Today we have been inspired by the response of one of exhibitors when we emailed them to say that our next two events are moving to the Grand Hall!
Summer Market – Sunday 13th June
Our recent Summer Market was our largest event to date. Working with Dorking Halls we took the decision to move rooms to avoid the issue of social distancing meaning we could only have 10 businesses in the original Martineu Hall!
The move to the Grand Hall allowed us to build on the success of our two events last year, and the ongoing changes to social distancing gave us the opportunity to work with a total of 42 businesses, using the stage area for the first time.

View from the stage during event set up
This presented us with a challenge to find new businesss, with fewer opportunities for us to go to events to curate business to work with as we would normally due to lockdown.
Our TEN@10 interviews, hosted by Jason, has been a great platform to chat to our existing businesses, and now became our route to finding out more about the 27 brand new businesses. You can catch up with them again here:
Not only did this help Jason get to know the person behind the business, and find out more about what went into the science and creativity behind the scenes, it also got people who had seen the interviews who then wanted to get involved and then after chatting to each business separately we then had 42 exhibitors on board.
Featured: Caroline Thomson Jewellery, Beard Work and Ann Turner Jewellery
Curated by Dapper & Suave want to offer something different for those exhibiting and attending as a customer with our ethos to be FRIENDLY, CREATIVE & UNIQUE key to what we aimed to achieve.
We challenged our exhibitors to think outside the box to help us bring the event into the 21st century, a topic discussed many times in the TEN@10 interviews. We wanted each business to tell the story of their brand in our pop up creative department store.
Some of them had never exhibited before and this was a great learning experience, identifying how to improve on their next event and to see how other businesses showcase their product.
You can see some of the images below, and the great reaction from customers!

Business: My New Fave

Business: Jay T Maher
We're proud to say the Summer Market was a great success, working together and building up our community ahead of the events through Zoom meetings and What’s App groups. We started our Market day together (thanks Jay) and finished together with our evening beverages of choice after the Market!
We will be sharing a video of the Summer Market very soon.
Go Big or Go Home!

We have now decided that we need to make the next two events BIG!!
We will be back in the Grand Hall for both our September and October events, both with the all important Curated mix of businesses to give customers choice.
This also means we have been able to start working with some new businesses who have been on our waiting list - great news for them and customers alike!
In September the market will be in conjunction with Dorking Unlocked featuring live music around the town in various locations including Dorking Halls.
In October the market will be part of the Arts Alive 2021, with more Curated by Dapper & Suave plans to be announced.
Both events will continue to be free and ticketed even if social distancing is removed to allow us to monitor numbers and offer a comfortable environment for you to shop.
Have a great summer and get your tickets booked by clicking the flyer images above or heading to our events page.
Thanks for reading
Jason & Rob