It has been a busy time as we put together our events and bring together even more new businesses with over 50 brand new joining us and something important to us is that we get to know those who want to take part in our Pop Up Shopping events and we get to know them this is done by meeting in person, Zoom or phone call.

Our next and first event this year after a four month break is on Sunday 21st April at Denbies Wine Estate features a diverse array of specifically chosen small business owners. Customers can explore and indulge in a curated selection of Artwork, Fashion, Beauty and Skincare, Candles, Jewellery, Food, Drink, Home & Gift items.

With this event there are 40 businesses and 20 of those are brand new and someone recently asked if this was a good thing. We believe it is and having the right brands and small businesses who share a passion in what they make and sell , one of the main reasons that our business was born and we know our customers like the choice and variety that we have curated.

As you know we work with charities and to raise funds and more importantly to raise awareness and with this in mind we get to know each charity and have already met with all of the charities and have a WhatsApp group to communicate.
You can find out more about each of the charities on our website here
With the charities involved, Jason has sat in on a workshop for ladies facing cancer and how to apply make up - one of the services on offer from Look Good Feel Better which was great to see the confidence gained and seeing the change in those attending and not feeling alone.
A visit to the new HQ that PSDS now have in Reigate for activities and creating a welcoming space for all of our families. Jason got to meet Ava who gave him a handshake and then read a story whilst wearing a floppy hat and Minnie Mouse ears.
We supported the Rock your Socks campaign and took part in the quiz where over £3,000 was raised.

Jason also visited The Grange where enjoyed the homemade scones with cream and homemade jam and a show round of all departments and see the amazing things that they do and have some exciting things planned in the year to give the young adults the confidence they need.
Finally, we got to dress up for a black tie event - accessories by Dapper & Suave - for the 2nd Dylan Strong Foundation Gala and £16,000 was raised.

Curated by Dapper & Suave is very excited to announce a great collaboration of workshops including Social Media ,LinkedIn Training Workshop and Mastering Your Retail Mindset - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome that have been put together to help the small business owner and tailored to give the knowledge and skills needed to help with sales.
See website and click on links to book
Thanks for reading!
Jason & Rob
Jason & Rob