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  • Writer's pictureDapper & Suave

In Conversation with Elvis The Wonderpup

Good morning from D&S HQ!

Exciting news - meet Elvis The Wonderpup the star of our new pet range!

1. What breed and colour are you?

I am a pedigree blue fawn french bulldog.

2. How did you get your name?

My Mum and Dad wanted me to have an awesome name.

Dad decided he thought it would be great to be able to say “Elvis has left the building” every time I go out the door.

3. When did you start your Instagram?

I came to live with my forever family on 28th June 2020. When they picked me up, it was like they were the pupparazi, constantly taking pictures of me. 4 days later, my Mum started my account on Instagram... and they are still obsessed with taking my photo!

4. What is the split between your human and dog followers?

I am followed by lots of amazing dogs. They live all around the world and some of them are even french bulldogs like me. I think I’m followed mostly by animal accounts but I do have some human followers too.

5. What’s been your favourite comment so far?

One puppy called Gnocci (hello_my_name_is_gnocci) gave me some great tips on stealing toilet roll! I have also made a local friend called Margot (Margot.the_frenchie) who I am looking forward to meeting at some point in the future for a walk.

6. What’s your favourite place to be at home?

I can usually be found on my Mum’s lap. My Dad says she’s turning me into a lap dog!

I also love teasing my family in the garden by chasing around with things in my mouth that I shouldn’t have. If I go under the trampoline, they can’t reach me... that’s hilarious!

7. Are you formally trained or self trained and how?

I go to puppy socialisation classes every Sunday. It’s lots of fun and I make the other owners laugh as I love to lay down in protest when I’m supposed to be walking. My family think I’m stubborn but I just think I’m a puppy who knows what he wants!

8. Is this full time or part time being Elvis The Wonderpup?

It's definitely full time being Elvis The Wonderpup!

9. When and where was your first modelling assignment?

I have had LOTS of offers on Instagram for modelling and some companies have asked me to be a representative for them. My Mum and Dad have wanted to choose a brand very carefully as they believe in supporting small businesses that create quality handmade products.

10. What is a good tip to get a great photo with you?

One word... TREATS- chicken in particular! I’d jump through hoops for a piece of chicken! I have a grain free diet and my humans have to be very particular about what I eat.

11. How did you meet Dapper & Suave?

I met them through my Mum and Dad.

Rob and Jason sent me a stylish bandana and from then on I was hooked!

12. Which outfit will you be wearing next? Bowtie or Bandana?

I get so much attention when I wear either (and I LOVE attention!) but I think I will probably wear a cool camo bandana next, because it makes me look the business!

Thanks Elvis! We're sure we will be chatting with you again.

Look out for the new pet range in our shop - available now!

Rob & Jason D&S

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